About Us

We provide education, resources, and community networking opportunities for our members to promote the love of gardening, floral design, and environmental responsibility.
The Oakdale Garden Club is a proud affiliate of the Valley Load District and California Garden Clubs INC.

We invite you to attend our monthly meetings.
Annual Tour
Discover our Autumn Garden tour in Oakdale, CA.
See our beautification projects throughout town.
Learn more about our Community Garden.
Meet the Board
The following volunteers devote their time and talent to promote the mission of the Oakdale Garden Club, for the benefit of the entire Oakdale community.
My favorite title is mom. I have two two young children with my High school sweetheart and we all love gardening as it has always provided a source of education and abundance. Love how it connects us all with nature and its beauty. The garden club has allowed me to connect with others who love gardening and learn from local garden experts.
Following my retirement in 2015 and permanent relocation to our family ranch, Oakdale Garden Club became the first organization I joined. Within a very short time, I felt a part of the community through the enthusiastic involvement in various projects. I look forward to new and on-going projects and valued contributions OGC makes to the beautification within the city.
An Oakdale native, I returned to the community after living out of state for many years. Joining the Garden Club has given me the opportunity to connect with friends –old and new—while learning to garden in our unique and challenging climate. I’m inspired by the energy and creativity of our members and especially appreciate the opportunities the club offers me to give back in a small way to the area that has been home to several generations of my family.
I moved to Oakdale 4 years ago from Ripon where I farmed almonds and have always enjoyed gardening. I joined the Oakdale Garden Club after attending their annual plant sale at the Community Garden. The Garden Club has been a way to connect with the community and enhance my passion for plants. My husband and I have a son and daughter and are the proud grandparents of 5 grandchildren.
Born and raised in Oakdale, I love to connect with people involved in the community. I joined the garden club to participate in keeping Oakdale beautiful with plants. I volunteered to be treasurer to computerize and maintain accurate and open records. Married to the boy next door for 53 years, we raised 3 children and are blessed with 4 grandchildren.
Married and mom to two daughters, I have been blessed with 6 grandchildren. I joined the garden club to learn more about gardening and meet like minded friends. I love gardening and hope to have a green house someday. I enjoy the role as membership chair as I get to meet so many great people.
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